WITCH:Hello children .Today is Halloween.Welcome to my party!!!jijiji
SKELETON:Hello witch.Happy Halloween
WITCH: ah, hello squeleton .Come in, Come in.
SKELETON:This is my present for you,three spiders
WITCH:uhmmm, three spiders???Lovely
Come to my cauldron, come !!! .1,2, 3
DRACULA:Hello witch.Happy Halloween
WITCH: ah, hello Dracula .Come in, Come in.
DRACULA:This is my present for you,five flies
WITCH:uhmmm, five flies???Lovely
Come to my cauldron, come !!! .1,2, 3,4,5
BLACK CAT:Hello witch.Happy Halloween
WITCH: ah, hello black cat .Come in, Come in.
BLACK CAT:This is my present for you,four bats
WITCH:uhmmm, four bats???Lovely
Come to my cauldron, come !!! .1,2, 3,4
GHOST:Hello witch.Happy Halloween
WITCH: ah, hello ghost .Come in, Come in.
GHOST:This is my present for you,chocolate!!!
WITCH:uhmmm, chocolate???Lovely
Come to my cauldron, come !!!
Prueba la sopa y dice :UKMMMMM, delicious.It´s delicious!!!
Try my soup, try (ofreciendo la sopa a los espectadores.
Don´t you like it? Hee,hee…(risa diabólica)
Now, we are going to sing a song:
I´m a witch .It´s halloween
In my cauldron you can see:
Spiders, bats,flies and chocolate
Ha ,ha,ha hee,hee,hee
Abracadabra, please come and see
Abracadabra ,hee,he,hee
video 6º B from teresa on Vimeo.
videosong6ºB from teresa on Vimeo.